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: | Call: 888-306-5180

Our guarantee, privacy & more

Chariot Travel Service's low price guarantee applies to all travelers that have booked a cruise, escorted tour or vacation package with us. 

If the cruise line or tour company or other vendor that your reservation has been made through has a lower price available that your booking qualifies for, Chariot Travel Service will lower your price. PLUS We do not add additional fees to the approved cruise or tour company published rates.

Privacy: Chariot Travel Service LLC dba Chariot Travel Service 888-306-5180 or

Your privacay & what do we do with your information:  We collect only the information necessary to book & process your reservations for travel such as cruises, air, hotels, car rentals, tour packages & all-inclusives.  This includes: name, address, phone #, email, birth date, credit card information & other information as necessary. 

We do not sell any information!  The information is shared between our agency/agents and the vendor(s) we are making your reservation or payment with.  As a customer we may also send you advertisements via the mail or email for which you have the option to opt-out of.  To opt-in of these types of notifications you may opt-out from the e-mail or call or email our agency and notify us that you want to opt-out. 

Any questions, please contact agency owner Cindy Andrade.